The body of vladimir lenin in the mausoleum on red square which will be closed to the public untill april 5 because of prophylactic works, scientists of the laboratory of biological structures have been preserving lenin’s body for 75 years, they syst

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Andrei Tarasov
Andrei Tarasov

Nasceu em 1989 na cidade de Izhevsk, Rússia. Desde os 17 anos trabalhou no jornal local de sua cidade e aos 19 anos mudou-se para viver em Moscou, e passou 6 anos na televisão trabalhando como repórter e redator. Mora no Rio de Janeiro desde 2014. Ama aviões, gatos, e claro, jornalismo.

Comentários sobre The body of vladimir lenin in the mausoleum on red square which will be closed to the public untill april 5 because of prophylactic works, scientists of the laboratory of biological structures have been preserving lenin’s body for 75 years, they syst

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Deixe uma resposta sobre The body of vladimir lenin in the mausoleum on red square which will be closed to the public untill april 5 because of prophylactic works, scientists of the laboratory of biological structures have been preserving lenin’s body for 75 years, they syst